Home made Bread


all purpose flour 2 cups
warm water 400ml
olive oil 1 table spoon
dry yeast 6g
butter 1 table spoon
sugar 1 tea spoon


warm 15ml water and add yeast and sugar mix it well and let yeast be active.Add all purpose flour and salt according to taste with olive oil and mix it well no need to kneed the dough cover the dough with shrink wrap and let it rest for six hours.After six hours the dough will be triple  in size. Kneed it just for a minute and tuck it again again make smooth oval shape ball.Put it in a butter greased tin and again cover it with shrink wrap and let it rest.After an hour the dough will be double in size again.Bake it on preheated oven for 35 minutes on 375 degrees.Apply butter on the bread and let it cool completely.


Serve the homemade fresh bread with anything you wish.


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